Unobux is a new comer in the PTC jungle, will it be survive just like Neobux?, or it will following buxout or sandra click.. :( only time will prove it
Whats Included:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Unobux Review - could it be the next Neobux?
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11:18 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Earning Extra Money From Home
The Internet has opened many opportunities for people who are interested in earning extra money. Instead of having to obtain a part time job you only need to sit down to your computer and locate several different ways you can start earning extra money without leaving your home. Before you begin, however, you need to take time to evaluate your needs and determine how much time you have to spend earning extra money from home. The amount of time you have to spend will have an effect on the ways in which you can earn extra money from home.
You will find many different ways that will allow you to earn extra money by using your home computer, but you don't want to jump at the first opportunity that sounds good to you. By analyzing your needs in terms of cash flow and time you can make a better decision about an income opportunity. One of the mistakes that people make is assuming there is less time involved with online money making opportunities when the reality is that you must spend the time if you want to earn money. The more time you have to spend or are willing to spend the more money you will be able to earn.
Another mistake that some people make is thinking they can join several different affiliate marketing programs and just promote their site when they first start. It is not like network marketing where you promote to one person who will promote to another in the network. You are the only person in charge of promoting your affiliate marketing site and if you expect to earn money with it you will have to consistently promote it. You also want to choose programs in which you have an interest. It's also good to choose ones programs that are related in some way so that you can identify a target audience and direct your promotion to that group.
You don't want to make the mistake of thinking you can sit down at your computer and right away begin earning extra money. In most cases it will day weeks and even months before you will begin to see any payoffs from your efforts. Of course, if you have an Ecommerce site you may begin earning extra money more quickly if you have the right products, but in most cases it is not going to happen immediately. That means you want to begin looking for ways to earn extra money before you are in a position that you need it to meet your financial obligations.
Finding different ways to earn extra money online is the first thing you want to do, and you want to begin this before you think about what you want to do to make some extra money. Give yourself some research time so that you will be able to take the time to look into different possibilities and choose the one that will be able to more closely provide what you are seeking in both time requirements and income.
Dustin Heath recommends that you visit to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!
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12:49 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Affiliate Marketing Tips - How You Can Avoid the 3 Biggest Causes of Affiliate Failure
You can actually cut your chances of affiliate marketing failure by half or more if you avoid a few simple mistakes that most affiliate marketers make. It's not rocket science. If you follow a few basic rules, you can avoid becoming the next affiliate failure. Here are the 3 biggest causes of a lack of success:
1. Promoting poor products
Promoting products that over-promise and under-deliver is a surefire way to kill your business. If you have a list of subscribers, they will soon stop buying from you if you promote half past six products. Before you promote anything, be sure to get a copy of the product if you can to check out its quality first before you roll out big.
2. Using the same ads everyone uses
Affiliate programs often provide email ads, pay per click ads and the like for promoting their products. Are you using these ads, unchanged? Then stop doing it! Start writing your own ads, or at the very least, make slight changes to the ad. Improve it!
3. Not having a consistent traffic action plan
This is probably the biggest cause for affiliate marketing failure. Oftentimes, it all comes down to driving targeted traffic to your offer. If you can do that, even a poor product will make money for you. Have a solid traffic generation plan that consists of strategies like article marketing, Web 2.0 and pay per click advertising. Determine how many articles you will write per day, how many PPC campaigns you will test and how exactly you will use Web 2.0 sites to market your affiliate products. In short, start making a plan.
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5:02 AM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How to Choose the Best Home Based Business Ideas
For those who are looking for a home based business, it's important to know how to choose the best home based business ideas from among the available selections. Although it may seem like it's an easy task, the reality is that it is very complex-at least if you want to make the right decision. You don't want to dive in with no idea what you are doing nor do you want to choose something just because it "sounds like a good idea." You want to take some time to research and base that research on your own personal skills, education, experience and interests.
Why is it important to choose something that interests you instead of something that will make the most money? Look at some of the jobs you may have held in your lifetime. In which ones did you do the best? If you are like most people you excel doing a job that is of interest to you as well as something in which you have skills and experience. It is essential to look for home based business ideas that you will enjoy because if you enjoy what you are doing you will work harder and thus make more money. You have to look beyond just how much money you can earn because if you don't do the work that is necessary you are not going to make the same amount of money you would if you were working that home based business idea to its highest potential.
That doesn't mean you have to choose home based business ideas that fit into the categories of hobbies because doing that will create conflict as well. Choosing something that is a hobby and trying to turn it into a business may not work for you unless you can stop seeing it as a hobby and begin to see it as a business. For example, if you enjoy writing as a hobby and think you can enter into business as a writer, you have to begin to see from all angles. Some people are unable to take a hobby and turn it into a business venture because they no longer enjoy doing that when it becomes something they have to do.
When you're looking at home based business ideas in order to choose the one that is right for you there are many things you have to consider with the most important being the amount of money you expect to earn. If you're looking for a second or even primary income your needs will be different than if you just want to make some extra spending money. You also want to analyze how many hours you want to devote to your home based business. This will go hand in hand with your potential earning capacity because the more hours you devote to your business the more money you will earn. Combining all of these factors with your skills, experience, education and interests will help you choose the best home based business to meet your needs.
Dustin Heath recommends that you visit to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!
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2:56 AM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
How to Be a Top Online Marketer in 2009?
You have a business program like affiliate program but you never succeed, the only thing remain in your mind is how you can be succeed even you don have any experience yet. Nowadays lots of people were trying to be a successful online marketer, most of them are using SEO technique to generate more free traffic onto their site. Well today i’m gonna briefly explain to you how you can be a successful online marketer by giving you the best tips to be on top
1. Know Your Role
You know the role to be online marketer before you jump toward it? If you don know then its hard for you to take this serious job and the first thing that probably crossed into your mind was advertising your program and get downline as many as possible. Actually its not like that, if you ever been in a company and you send your application there, what is the first thing they will teach you before they can accepting you? Policies, how its works, the thing you should do and the thing you shouldn’t do. Thats it! If you got that then you can take this role
2. Behave on yourself
Be an online marketer doesn’t have to be a jerk. If you know the best part of advertising but you still need to know more proper information on how to do it, then as soon as the people know your successful story and how did you take this job at first time, then they can admire you that you are playing fair
3. Be Confident
If you ever seen someone who advertising their affiliate program and they claimed themself that they can earn a hundred or even thousand of dollar but you don know how far is their experience and you’re not really sure about their words then you should consider twice before you can take their part job. Sometimes be an online marketer must have this attitude, but that doesn’t mean you can faking up your successful story only just wanted to get downline for your own. I’m not saying you should lie to people or pretend to be something that you absolutely aren’t. My point is, if you’re starting out your business and you absolutely are new, then just be confident and believe that your business program is worth to try. People will judge you from that and will respect you more than anyone else because you have good personality. If you continue this way, people will believe in you, and as soon as you become an expert then you are in the first place by pretending in your confident. Fake it until you make it!
4. Help People out
Building a relationship and network with other online marketer is a must. If you think you are an expert because you probably had successfully selling all your stuff and earn thousand of dollar per month and you don need to teach the new one (because you think its just a waste of time) then you all are absolutely moron! You might don even know that there is a hundred of expert people out there that were still willing to teach people even the little guy, helping them out to achieve their goal. And the point is, you can’t live without anyone help. You help people and people will help you to gain more exposure as a top online marketer.
5. Associated with Successful People
You need to associate and get closer to successful people. That way will teach you and help you out from the problem you’re getting into. Go get networking with people because people simply can’t live with their own world and try to solve their own problem without anyone support. Neil Patel is one of the example. He is well associated with hundreds of successful people, which many of them are older than his age. Read why he can be successful, and you are not.
6. Be Yourself
Don try to fool anyone else with your fake personality as anyone may have bad point against your act. Just be natural and people will see that you are truly honest and can be trusted. This is important if you want to get anyone respect as you can indirectly increase the popularity of your reputation.
7. Expose Yourself
You need to put yourself in everywhere so people will know you and as soon as you become popular, then everything will run smoothly. Build up your own Wikipedia page, be active in forum that related to Marketing, be an active spokesman / commenter in every social media bookmarking/networking site, post picture of yourself in flickr and let people know your best captured shot, Upload nice video in youtube. Just expose yourself and let people know who you really are
8. Be Humble
Not everyone is perfect, and be humble is the best way to realize yourself even you’d probably become an expert marketer in the future, but there’s always someone greater than you. You still need to realize that you can’t live without anyone support (the one who teach you) as they have drag you so hard to this road, you need to do the same with the newbie, help them out and don blow them off!
9. Don Give Up
Every road has its own burden, If you can’t bypass it, then you’ll never succeed no matter what your business program is. And if you give up so easily in online job then don ever think you can be successful with your offline job.
Now what will you think? Do you still have an ability to be an successful marketer this year? i’m sure you will. As long as you have strong will and strong mind to compete with others then everything is possible
Posted by
4:39 AM
Top 10 AdSense tips
As you all already know, the only way to monetize your site/blog is by placing an adsense, nowadays there are many adsense program namely AdBrite and Bidvertiser for example. But what i would like to tell you is the tips how to put your adsense correctly, there are 10 adsense tips in total, so here they are:
#1: Find your keywords
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. A free and advanced tool for finding the most prominent keywords in a page can be found here: SEO Density Analyzer. Copy the most important keywords to a text file ([web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt).
#2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Overture Search Inventory and from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance. Enter the keywords from [web page name]-adsense-keywords.txt and save the suggestions to [web page name]-adsense-suggestions.txt.
#3: Keep your website focused on a theme
Use the keyword suggestions to enhance your web pages and to build theme-based content. And also try to get your keywords into the anchor text of your incoming links as much as possible. Don’t forget that Google AdSense is keyword-targeted advertising: Google AdSense bases its advert topics on your websites content, this means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.
#4: Write a new page every day
One of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have, the more visitors you will get. Put an Adsense unit on each and every content page of your site. But where? You will find more about that from the next AdSense tips.
#5: Choose the right AdSense format
Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content. The top three AdSense formats are:
336×280 large rectangle
300×250 medium rectangle
160×600 wide skyscraper
Another successful format is the 468×15 horizontal ad links, that can be placed under your navigation bar.
#6: Color tips
When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.
Create a custom AdSense palette:
border color = background color of your web site
background color = background color of your web site
link color = blue, color of your links
url color = black, #999999
text color = black, #333333, color of your main content
You can also rotate your color palette: select multiple color palettes that blend with your site to create variety.
#7: Position tips
Visitors tend to look at the big headlines to see if your page is worth reading. If you get them interested, they will read the text and look for your navigation links.
Place the AdSense ads in a prominent place around the top/left part of your page or under your headlines, where your visitors are most likely to look at.
If you have an article page with a long body of text, the bottom of that article is a good place for AdSense ads because your visitors read the text and then they want more resources.
#8: Increase the number of ads, but not too much
If you have a lot of text on a page, use multiple AdSense units. You can use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes and one unit of ad links.
Link units allow the user to refine what they’re interested in. So if they may not be interested in specific ads on your page, they might be interested in a particular topic, and by clicking on a link unit and a link in the link unit, they’ll be able to specify that they’re interested in that specific topic and get a lot more options and variety on the ads that might appear.
AdSense for Search allows visitors to search or your sites (up to 3 domains). You earn money whenever they click on the ads that come up on the search results. If you click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox in the AdSense for Search settings, you won’t lose your visitors.
#9: Preview Google ads
You can find out what ads will be served by Google AdSense if you install Google AdSense Preview Tool, a very simple tool available only for Internet Explorer 6.0. Click to advertiser sites without generating invalid clicks, and easily add their URLs to your URL filter list. Because AdSense uses geo-targeting, Google serves different ads for other countries. Instead of faking your IP or travelling abroad to test your ads, use this AdSense tool to see what ads see your visitors from France, Germany or other countries.
There may be no Google AdSense ads available for your webpage, so Googlw will display Public Service Ads. You can hide them using alternate colors or images. Make sure you include the image in a simple html file as a link (use target=”_top”). The image size should be the same as the dimension of AdSense units. In the alternate url box, enter the absolute url of the html file.
Read more about alternate ads.
#10: What not to do
Don’t click on your own ads
Don’t ask others to click on your Google ads
Don’t manually change AdSense code
Don’t place Google ads on sites that include prohibited content (e.g.: adult sites)
Don’t employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links
Don’t use AdSense ads on the same page with similar ads (e.g.: Yahoo Publisher Network)
I found out that all these tips have been shared in many forum/site, so i’m gonna give you a little of my resource
From WebCosmo Forum
From Digital Point Forum
and Make Money Online blog
Posted by
1:44 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
101 Ways to Monetize Your Website or Blog
Recently when i search something in Google, i accidentally found this nice article and thought i’d share with you all
Text Link Advertising
Text Link Ads (aff.) - The leader in paid text link ads.
LinkWorth - Keep up to 70% of the ad revenue.
Text Link Brokers - Make money buy selling links in a directory on your site.
Live Customer - Static HTML ads with flat monthly rates.
LinkAdage - Matches advertisers with publishers
Direct-Link-Ads - Keep up to 75% of the ad revenue.
PaidTextLinks - A smaller text link program.
Kontera - Create contextual links automatically.
Vibrant Media - Vibrant in-text advertising. - Basic text ad service.
SearchFriendlyAds - Not live yet.
YzMedia - Another text link option.
Direct Sales
KickStartCart - A shopping cart, merchant account and marketing tools.
PayPal - One of the lowest-cost choices for selling your own products.
EasyStoreCreator - Provides a package that includes hosting, merchant account integration, and shopping cart.
1ShoppingCart - Offers different packages with marketing tools, shopping carts and merchant accounts.
ASecureCart - An affordable shopping cart service
NetSuite - Full e-commerce option.
GotShoppingCart? - Free version available.
3D Cart - Includes marketing, statistics and more.
Americart - 30-day risk-free trial.
MonsterCommerce - Full of features.
Google AdSense - The industry leader.
Yahoo Publisher Network - Yahoo’s AdSense alternative.
Chitika - eMiniMalls is not a typical PPC program, it is different kind of pay-per-click product promotion.
Kanoodle - A second-tier PPC option as opposed to Google and Yahoo.
Ads-Click - You set the price per click for ads showing on your site.
AdBrite - Control and customization options.
ABC Search - Another 2nd-tier option.
BidVertiser - Large network PPC program.
Clicksor - Contextual ads program.
Qads - Ad program from Qumana.
PeakClick - Pays in Euros.
DoubleClick - Another targeted PPC
RevenuePilot - Keep 60% of the revenue.
Search Feed - Another option for targeted PPC ads.
Targetpoint - For publishers of all sizes.
OneMonkey - Keep 80% of the revenue.
Miva MC - PPC ads plus the option for contextual PPD ads.
ClickBooth - Claims to have the highest payout in the industry.
Banner Ads
AdEngage - Not a typical banner ad, the’re photo ads with text.
AdDynamix - Also offers other options besides just banners.
BannerBoxes - Your keep 75% of the revenue from each click.
Affiliate Programs
Commission Junction - One of the leaders. Manages affiliate programs for all kinds of products.
Click Bank - All downloadable affiliate products.
LinkShare - Claims to be the largest pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network.
MoreNiche - Its been more than 2 year since they build this business. You can earn $10 for signup bonus, another $15 dollar will be added to your account if you promote their affiliate product in your site, it doesn’t matter if the visitor will purchase it, you just putting it there and you got another $15 so in total you can earn $25 as for your start
Azoogle Ads - Also claims to be the largest performance-based online advertising network.
Amazon - One of the oldest and most successful affiliate programs.
Context Links for Amazon’s Affiliate Program - Auto creates affiliate links to Amazon’s products.
Paid Reviews
ReviewMe - Get paid to review other websites and blogs.
PayPerPost - Make money writing about website, products, services and companies.
Parked Domains
Revenue Direct - Make money from a parked domain.
Parked - Another option for parked domains.
The News Room - Make money by placing news items on your site.
Tribal Fusion - Represents the advertising for selectively approved websites.
IndustryBrains - Has a few different options that would fall into various categories above.
Adknowledge - Options for email, web, and search engine inventory.
Yesadvertising - Lots of options, including contextual ads, email, banners and pop-unders.
ValueMedia - Several different options, including video.
Auction Ads - Make money by displaying Ebay items.
IntelliTXT - Contextual ads that include video.
PremierAd - Lots of different options. You keep 80% of ad revenue.
BurstMedia - A variety of different options. - Multiple options, including video ads.
Openads - Online advertising software.
Casale Media - You choose what type of ads you want on your site.
VC Media - CPC or CPM options.
Ads by RSS - Places ads on your website, using RSS.
AdSpaceAuctions - Sell ad space on your website through an auction.
TextMarks - Monetize your blog with text message alerts.
Sell Ad Space
AdSonar -Provide content-targeted ads.
BlogAds - You control the ads that appear on your site.
Crisp Ads - name your price for direct sponsors.
ADSDAQ - Choose your asking price for ads and ADSDAQ matches you with advertisers.
AdVolcano - Set your own prices and ad sizes.
RSS Feed Monetization
Pheedo - PPC for RSS feeds.
PostPostWordPress Plugin - Display affiliate links or ads before or after your feeds (other uses beside just advertising).
Feedvertising - Runs txt link ads in your feed.
FeedBurner Ads - If you use FeedBurner’s services for distributing and tracking your feeds, you also have the option of using their advertising services in your feeds.
MediaFed - Automatically inserts ads into your feed.
FeedShow - Puts PPC ads into your feed.
Fedafi Publishing Network - Monetize your feed with the Fedafi WordPress plugin.
Yahoo Publisher Network - PPC ads in your feeds.
Job Boards
Joards - Put a job board on your site and keep 75% of the revenue.
Job-a-matic - Another option for making money with a job board.
WP Plugins
AdSense-Deluxe - Embed AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network ads into your blog.
AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System - A plugin for blogs that have multiple writers. Let each of your writers make money from ads on their own posts.
AdSense Injection - Inject AdSense ads throughout an existing blog.
Google AdSense Referral Rotator Plugin - Make money by referring other users to AdSense.
Amazon Media Manager - Easily ad Amazon affiliate products to your blog.
WP-Amazon - Quickly search for products and add Amazon affiliate links while writing your posts.
Last Amazon Review Plugin - Displays your most recent review of a product listed on Amazon and includes your Amazon affiliate link.
Text Ads Link Widget for WordPress Sidebar - A simple widget that makes it easy to display text ads in your sidebar.
WPAds Plugin - Show and rotate ads on your blog.
AdRotator Plugin - Randomly rotates ads that you choose.
WP E-commerce Shopping Cart Plugin - Creates a shopping cart with tons of features and options for your WP blog or website.
EasyPayPal WordPress Plugin - Integrates your blog and your PayPal account to accept donations or fees.
Buy Me a Beer Plugin - Accept donations from your readers by asking them to buy you a beer (or coffee) if they liked your post.
CafePress - Sell your own products on your blog.
YAK - Simple shopping cart plugin.
Posted by
4:52 AM